August 06, 2021

There are so many types of fitne...

For an operator, there is always not enough time to go to the gym after get off work. If you get a card at the gym, you think you will lose money. In addition, if the epidemic is not fully controlled, the gym may go bankrupt. Nowadays, more and more people are more keen to buy home fitness equipment, which is 女私人健身教練 and practical. Now there are many types of fitness equipment on the market. What are the types of fitness equipment? In summary, they can be divided into three types:

â‘  Whole body fitness equipment: such as 10 comprehensive training equipment, 16 function fitness equipment at home, etc.;

Local fitness equipment: such as exercise bikes, rowing machines, stair machines, treadmills, as well as calf curls, weight tensioners, heel lifters, etc.;

Small fitness equipment mainly includes dumbbells, kettlebells, crank barbells, spring tensioners, exercise plates, elastic bars, grippers, etc.

1. Whole body fitness equipment

It is a comprehensive training fitness equipment; it can be used by multiple people to perform cyclic or selective exercises on one equipment at the same time. This kind of fitness equipment is larger in size and full of functions, and is suitable for use in fitness centers, rehabilitation centers, offices or school gyms. For example, although the multifunctional treadmill is a whole-body fitness equipment, it only adds the functions of rowing, pedaling, push-ups, waist rotation, massage, etc. to the single-function treadmill, so the volume is not very large.

2. Local fitness equipment

Most of them are special training equipment with exquisite layout, covering an area of ​​1 square meter, most of them can be folded, and some are also interesting. Its guilt energy is relatively simple, mainly focusing on the exercise of local muscle groups. This type of equipment not only has a heavy-duty type with counterweights and hydraulic cylinders, but also has a non-force type with itself as Nanchang, without the need for assembly and folding. Some are also equipped with electronic display devices such as time, speed, distance, heart rate, etc., so that exercisers can control the amount of exercise themselves. Therefore, it is quite popular among fitness enthusiasts and is the "protagonist" of the home gym.

Three, small fitness equipment

Although the size is small, the exercise value is not low. Take the adjustable dumbbell as an example. It is not only suitable for people of different ages, genders and physiques, but also can exercise all muscles of the whole body. It is also a favorite product for bodybuilders. Another example is the spring tensioner, which is light and compact, and low in price. The treadmill is quoted, which is easy to store and easy to carry; it can also achieve the purpose of fitness and physical strength. Small fitness equipment such as fitness balls are suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

So, after reading the above categories, is it difficult to start? What fitness equipment is suitable for use at home? We recommend several simple home fitness equipment for your reference.

Home fitness equipment recommendation 1: dumbbells, yoga mats, skipping ropes and other small fitness equipment.

For people with low fitness intensity, the requirements for fitness equipment are not high. At this time, it is a good choice for girls to practice yoga or skipping rope!

Home fitness equipment recommendation 2; spin bike or elliptical machine

If you want to continue to increase the training intensity, you need more functional equipment, such as the spinning bike or elliptical machine to be discussed here. Spinning bikes and elliptical machines will be more obvious for the lower body exercise, and a single exercise process will be more monotonous, basically sitting exercise, but for the lower body, especially the leg exercise is still very obvious.

Home fitness equipment recommendation 3: treadmill

Treadmill is the most used category in the field of home fitness equipment, and its advantages are self-evident. Treadmill exercises can be large or small, and they are fully functional. Unfortunately, the treadmill is a bit big for people with relatively small decoration space.

Posted by: yingtao at 04:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 17, 2020



"布達拉宮依山壘砌,主樓高119米,東西長420米,南北寬300米,房屋近萬。主體建築分紅、白兩宮,紅宮居中,白宮居兩側。紅宮有曆代喇麻的靈塔和各類佛堂及經堂;白宮部分是賴喇麻處理政務和生活居住的地方。截至來自山東麓,沿石階樓梯鋸齒形,以多門平措,暗彎的走廊,即東成廣闊的平台 - 德陽廈。過去,每逢喜慶節日,人們總要在此舉行跳神和歌舞表演。從東站台的自動扶梯直達樓上的松閣走廊大廳,走廊雕梁畫棟,滿是壁畫。


從靈塔穿過一小門便進入西大殿,它是紅宮內進行最大的一座文化殿堂-五世達賴喇嘛的享堂,一些具有重大的佛事活動時間均在此舉行。紅宮的最高層叫"薩松郎傑”,殿內供有乾隆帝畫像及皇帝牌位。清代,各世達賴每逢藏曆年初一和皇帝過 生日都要來此朝拜。在白宮的最高處,有曆代達賴喇嘛生活起居的東西兩套寢室,分別稱東、西日光殿,內設經堂、客廳、經室、臥室,陳設非常豪華。


Posted by: yingtao at 10:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 9 words, total size 5 kb.

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