January 14, 2025

Which is better, PU or artificia...

Which is better, PU or artificial leather?

But sadly in terms of their durability, PU leather easily wears and can crack over time which means it does not stay long the same with real leather. It easily tears, unlike genuine leather. While faux leather, the laminated surface often cracks after a few years of use but it can at least last a long time.spiral pu tube

Which is stronger nylon or poly?

Both nylon and polyester rate well for strength and durability. But when we make a direct comparison, nylon is stronger and stretchier than polyester, meaning garments made from nylon should last longer. Nylon falls down slightly when it comes to abrasion resistance.pneumatic fitting types

Is PP the same as PU plastic?

Polypropylene, on the other hand, is often suitable for products that do not require longevity or wear resistance, commonly found in consumer goods and packaging. While polypropylene may be appropriate for short term applications, polyurethane excels in demanding environments where durability is crucial.

What is the working pressure of silicone tube?

The reported 'working pressure' for the above size tubing is usually stated to be 10 psi (or between 10 and 20 psi); so the maximal burst pressure based upon the 1/5th number and 20 psi would be 100 psi (10 psi is what you usually read; so you might say the burst pressure might be as low as 30 to 50 psi).

Is PU BPA free?

The following are benefits typically offered by PU's : Phthalate Free • BPA (Bisphenol A) Free • Lead & Heavy Metal Free • Energy Efficient Production • Water Efficient Production • 99% of all Water and Raw Materials used in production is reclaimed and recycled. BENEFITS OF PU?

What is the pressure rating of poly tubing?

Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Pressure Rating
0.520" (13.2 mm) 0.620" (15.7 mm) 66 psi (4.6 bar)
0.540" (13.7 mm) 0.610" (15.5 mm) 47 psi (3.2 bar)
0.540" (13.7 mm) 0.630" (15.7 mm) 58 psi (4.0 bar)
0.570" (14.5 mm) 0.660" (16.7 mm) 55 psi (3.8 bar)

How much bleeding is normal after PU surgery?

Cats will have bleeding from the site for one to two weeks after surgery. You may see quite a bit of blood or clots at the site in the first few days. This will gradually decrease and resolve.

What are the 2 first line treatment options for essential tremor?

When Essential Tremor significantly interferes with daily activities, long-term drug treatment is needed. Drugs most commonly used to treat the condition include beta-blockers such as propranolol (Hemangeol, Inderal LA, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL) and an epilepsy drug called primidone (Mysoline).

Why is plutonium so expensive?

Production of Plutonium and Highly Enriched Uranium (1) Both plutonium and highly enriched uranium are difficult and expensive to produce. Their acquisition requires heavy capital investment and a mastery of a wide range of technologies. In other respects, their production processes are quite different.pneumatic fitting size chart

What is the Speciality of spiral model?

The Spiral Model repeats steps of a project, starting with modest goals and expanding outward in ever-wider spirals (called rounds). Each round of the spiral constitutes a project, and each round may follow traditional software development methodology such as modified waterfall. A risk analysis is performed each round.

Posted by: yingtao at 11:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 05, 2025



IKEA推出LURVIG寵物用品系列,由喜歡愛寵物的設計師與專業獸醫師的合作, 讓家中的毛小孩無論在戶外或室內都能有完善的照顧,讓毛小孩能跟你一起享受生活.除甲醛方法




一般牆身油漆所含的甲醛可在7-15 天完全揮發,壁紙膠的甲醛可能需要18 個月以上,大芯板的甲醛則需要15 個月至5 年不等,密度板的甲醛要3 年至10年不等,而假如它們的結構越複雜,板材的質量越參差,都可能需要更多時間才可以將甲醛完全揮發.






把顏色相近的牛仔褲一起清洗,使用低溫設定,在有需要時用冷水清洗.」 她說:「偶爾把深色牛仔褲浸在白醋裡,而鹽巴可以協助染料固定在纖維上,延緩褪色的過程.」 在衣物的染色過程中,人們會用鹽巴協助纖維吸收色澤,它能使顏色維持久一點,避免染料褪色.


Dyson獨特的催化濾網持續捕捉甲醛,再將其轉化成水及二氧化碳(CO₂) ,永久消滅甲醛. 濾網可自我修服,持續有效,無需更換. Dyson的固態甲醛感應器可偵測比PM0.1小500倍的甲醛分子. Dyson的獨特催化濾網分解甲醛分子,再將其轉化成水及二氧化碳(CO₂),永久消滅甲醛.


甲醛一般會揮發出強烈的刺激性氣味,劣質家具用鼻子稍稍一聞就會感受到,反之,如果是「零甲醛」的家具,尤其是櫃體打開門片會有淡淡的木頭清香. 用鼻子聞是最方便分辨甲醛有無超標的方法.


Q踢腳板要用哪一種漆? 家中較易沾染髒污的部分,如踢腳板,建議使用得利晴雨漆外牆耐候漆,具較佳的防水抗污效果.


通常,空氣清淨機的濾網更換頻率取決於濾網的類型和使用環境. 一般來說,HEPA 濾網的更換週期為6 到12 個月,而活性碳濾網則建議每3 到6 個月更換一次. 不過空氣清淨機濾網的更換頻率會受多種因素影響,包括使用時間,空氣品質,濾網的種類等.

Posted by: yingtao at 02:35 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 4 kb.

November 28, 2024

Can I bring processed foods into...

Posted by: yingtao at 09:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 19, 2024

保險 包天災嗎?

保險 包天災嗎?

綜合汽車保險是車主自願購買的汽車保險,一般都涵蓋因天災導致的汽車損毁,例如黑色暴雨警告信號,八號風球等,不論該車輛停泊於有蓋或露天停車場,又或在路邊. 保險公司會按汽車損壞程度來決定賠償金額,例如按維修費用,或車輛折舊後的市價賠償,惟車主一般需付墊底費.家庭旅遊保險

How do you lubricate joints?

Consuming healthy fats can increase joint health and lubrication. Foods high in healthy fats include salmon, trout, mackerel, avocados, olive oil, almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds. The omega-3 fatty acids in these foods will assist in joint lubrication.

Which country has best quality tea?

It's primarily grown in the provinces of Yunnan, Guangdong, and Zhejiang. While it's the biggest exporter and grower of tea, China produces some of the best teas out there including Lapsang Souchong, Keemun and Green Gunpowder.

How do I start inner healing?

Here are some ways that you can start the healing process:
Listen to yourself. When you get upset, frustrated, or feel emotional pain, what kinds of things are happening around you? ...
Meditate. ...
Build a new set of caregivers. ...
Try inner child therapy. ...
Reimagine your childhood. ...
Talk to your loved ones. ...
Remember how to play.

What is the ICD-10 for no illness?

89 "No diagnosis or condition," is available for immediate use.

Does it matter when you get travel insurance?

If, for example, you decide to get your travel insurance a year out from your departure date, this may result in a higher premium than booking closer to the date. Consider that you will be a year older when you travel, and your health condition and travel details may be altered during the planning process.

Can I buy travel insurance after booking a flight?

Yes, it's absolutely possible to add travel insurance after booking your flight. While it's generally recommended to purchase travel insurance at the time of booking, you should still be able to buy coverage up until a certain point before your departure date.

What is at level in health?

T level Health will give you the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to pursue a career in the health and care sector or progress into skilled employment or higher-level technical training. T level Health is a two-year qualification, equivalent to 3 A levels and will give you UCAS Points.工傷病假有薪病假

Are socks healthy?

Socks provide your feet with protection, moisture control, temperature regulation, and comfort. Socks provide protection by adding a layer between the shoe and your foot, easing friction and preventing blisters. Modern socks also have cushioned soles and padding to provide even more comfort.行李損壞賠償

Should I apply moisturizer after vitamin C serum at night?

In a Vitamin C skincare routine, it's important to apply the moisturizer after the application of the serum. This is because the serum helps the moisturizer gets absorbed better, and the moisturizer helps seal the serum's nutrients within the skin so they can work all day.

Posted by: yingtao at 08:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 12, 2024

What position is head of marketi...

What position is head of marketing?

A head of marketing is a senior staff member charged with managing a business's marketing activities. They may report directly to the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), or in some cases actually be the CMO. Since the head of marketing is an eclectic role, the work they do can take a variety of forms.高級物業經理

How many years is a senior level position?

Becoming a senior usually requires between 5 and 10+ years of experience, but that's not all. You also need to have profound and in-depth knowledge of your work field, excellent social skills and fluency in coaching, leadership and innovation.

Who is higher than a Marketing Manager?

A head of marketing typically has broader responsibilities and a higher level of authority than a marketing manager.助理安全經理

How to go from senior manager to director?

How to move from manager to director
Complete education and certification. When advancing from management to a director position, it may be helpful to ensure that you have the necessary educational credentials. ...
Develop skills. ...
Build visibility. ...
Seek guidance. ...
Understand the position. ...
Ask for the promotion.

Is a 1% management fee high?

But in general, a 1% management fee is right in line with market averages. Typical financial advisors might charge between about 0.5% on the lower end and 2% on the higher end, but 1% is not unusual.

Do I need a license in Florida to be a property manager?

Instead, to become a property manager in Florida, you must obtain a real estate broker's license. This is based on Chapter 475 of the 2019 Florida Statutes. According to the state's laws, some of the major responsibilities of property managers are considered as real estate services or activities.

How much does property management charge in the US?

In general, property managers typically charge 4% to 12% of the monthly rent, with 10% being common. Some may opt for a flat fee, ranging from $50 to $300 or more per month.sd infinity

Is marketing manager a leadership role?

This leadership role demands strong creative and analytical skills. Marketing managers work in teams to track industry trends and develop profitable advertising strategies.

What personality is best for real estate?

Most real estate agents are associated with the ENTP personality. ENTP stands for extraversion, intuition, thinking, and perceiving.

What is the level above senior manager?

Normally in most companies, the next higher position than manager, would be General Manager, Director, Vice President, Executive Vice President, President, and then Chief Executive Officer followed by Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Posted by: yingtao at 06:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 436 words, total size 3 kb.

November 06, 2024

什麼是 principal Engineer?

什麼是 principal Engineer?

首席工程師是指職位最高的從事工程系統操作,設計,管理,評估能力的人員. 首席工程師的職責包括設計(design),規劃(plan),策劃(mastermind),指揮(direct)等. 首席工程師是一個小作品.




中:買單. 英:Check, please. 也可以說成更禮貌的Can/May I have the check, please? Check在這裡指「帳單」,也可以用bill替代.榮興建築有限公司


四,TA. TA 為Target Audience 的縮寫,中文譯為「目標族群/目標受眾/目標客群」,意指在一個行銷專案或活動中所鎖定的群眾,若以網紅社群為例,該網紅的TA 就可以視為她的粉絲.


答案是不一定! 自2023年6月14日起,洗錢防制法第15條之2(2024年7月31日起修正為洗錢防制法第22條)增訂了處罰規定,對無故交付或提供人頭帳戶者,即使不具有洗錢或不法意圖,初犯仍得由警察機關告誡,但若有以下情形: 對價性交付或提供

常用 英文怎麼說?

regularly used and comfortable: I like a room to look lived in. 我喜歡房間裡看上去像有人常住的樣子,舒適愜意.


品牌長(英語:Chief Brand Officer,英文簡稱:CBO,臺灣稱品牌長或品牌總監,中國大陸稱首席品牌官),為企業,組織中,專門負責品牌管理事務,具決策權責的高階管理人員. 通常擔任此一職務者,須陳請同一企業或組織中的最高決策者之同意而開展公司的品牌策略及相關管理事務.高級專案協調員


#代表 對應過來就會是#總監 4️⃣理事可以理解為 5️⃣ 次長一樣是只有大型企業才會有的職位職級則在部長/代表以下 6️⃣課長/室長就是某部門主管而需要向下管理不同組長

常務是什麼職位 日本?

「常務」及「專務」是「常務取締役」及「專務取締役」的簡稱,但不一定屬於公司法之「取締役」,是否為役員根據公司規定而異. 一般情況下,常務和專務均作為社長的輔佐人,但常務主要處理公司日常經營事宜,而專務主要監管企業整體,常務的地位往往高於專務.


最佳回答:GM, 即总经理,是企业的高级管理层代表. 他们负责全面管理公司的运营,确保战略目标的实现.

Posted by: yingtao at 08:51 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
Post contains 68 words, total size 3 kb.

November 01, 2024

What are some examples of CIP ru...

What are some examples of CIP rules?

Example: Ethyl substituents are preferred over methyl substituents. At the attachment point of the stereocenter, both have carbon atoms and their rank is the same. Following the chain, methyl has only a hydrogen atom attached to it, while ethyl has another carbon atom attached to it.

What does CIP code mean?

What is CIP? Classification of Educational Programs (CIP) provides a classification system that supports accurate tracking and reporting of learning areas and program completion activities.

What does CIP require?

The CIP Regulation requires banks to implement programs that include risk-based verification procedures that allow banks to form a reasonable belief that they know the true identity of their customers.

Does DAP mean job title?

Can be used in any transport mode or when there are multiple transport modes. Seller is responsible for arranging transportation and delivering the Goods in a condition ready for unloading from the arriving vehicle at the designated location.

Who pays the arrears?

Who has to pay the delinquency fee? Demurrage fees are paid by the importer or exporter to the shipping company.旅遊保險邊間好

Who pays CIP duties?

PurchaserThe purchaser is also responsible for arranging and paying for import documents. The seller is obliged to deliver, at the buyer's expense, the documents and information necessary for successful importation. Import duties and taxes must also be paid by the buyer.

What is the difference between CIP and CPT?

What is the difference between CPT and CIP? CIP is a step up from CPT and includes insurance. CIP works the same as CPT, where the seller bears all of the costs and risks of shipping the item to the carrier, but CIP adds insurance to protect the item.

What are the disadvantages of the contract?

Higher overall costs for the buyer - this is because the price includes freight and insurance.
Buyer has limited control - Since the seller manages the logistics, the buyer has less control over the shipping process (i.e. cannot specify delivery preferences).
Other items...

What is a CIP agent?

A clean-in-place (CIP) system is an automatically operated cleaning system that performs a number of cleaning and rinsing cycles on the internal surfaces of a closed system.cip 貿易條件

What is CIP at work?

Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) A continuous improvement process seeks continuous improvement in all areas of a company. Particular attention is paid to the quality of products, processes and services.

Posted by: yingtao at 10:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 411 words, total size 3 kb.

August 06, 2021

There are so many types of fitne...

For an operator, there is always not enough time to go to the gym after get off work. If you get a card at the gym, you think you will lose money. In addition, if the epidemic is not fully controlled, the gym may go bankrupt. Nowadays, more and more people are more keen to buy home fitness equipment, which is 女私人健身教練 and practical. Now there are many types of fitness equipment on the market. What are the types of fitness equipment? In summary, they can be divided into three types:

â‘  Whole body fitness equipment: such as 10 comprehensive training equipment, 16 function fitness equipment at home, etc.;

Local fitness equipment: such as exercise bikes, rowing machines, stair machines, treadmills, as well as calf curls, weight tensioners, heel lifters, etc.;

Small fitness equipment mainly includes dumbbells, kettlebells, crank barbells, spring tensioners, exercise plates, elastic bars, grippers, etc.

1. Whole body fitness equipment

It is a comprehensive training fitness equipment; it can be used by multiple people to perform cyclic or selective exercises on one equipment at the same time. This kind of fitness equipment is larger in size and full of functions, and is suitable for use in fitness centers, rehabilitation centers, offices or school gyms. For example, although the multifunctional treadmill is a whole-body fitness equipment, it only adds the functions of rowing, pedaling, push-ups, waist rotation, massage, etc. to the single-function treadmill, so the volume is not very large.

2. Local fitness equipment

Most of them are special training equipment with exquisite layout, covering an area of ​​1 square meter, most of them can be folded, and some are also interesting. Its guilt energy is relatively simple, mainly focusing on the exercise of local muscle groups. This type of equipment not only has a heavy-duty type with counterweights and hydraulic cylinders, but also has a non-force type with itself as Nanchang, without the need for assembly and folding. Some are also equipped with electronic display devices such as time, speed, distance, heart rate, etc., so that exercisers can control the amount of exercise themselves. Therefore, it is quite popular among fitness enthusiasts and is the "protagonist" of the home gym.

Three, small fitness equipment

Although the size is small, the exercise value is not low. Take the adjustable dumbbell as an example. It is not only suitable for people of different ages, genders and physiques, but also can exercise all muscles of the whole body. It is also a favorite product for bodybuilders. Another example is the spring tensioner, which is light and compact, and low in price. The treadmill is quoted, which is easy to store and easy to carry; it can also achieve the purpose of fitness and physical strength. Small fitness equipment such as fitness balls are suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

So, after reading the above categories, is it difficult to start? What fitness equipment is suitable for use at home? We recommend several simple home fitness equipment for your reference.

Home fitness equipment recommendation 1: dumbbells, yoga mats, skipping ropes and other small fitness equipment.

For people with low fitness intensity, the requirements for fitness equipment are not high. At this time, it is a good choice for girls to practice yoga or skipping rope!

Home fitness equipment recommendation 2; spin bike or elliptical machine

If you want to continue to increase the training intensity, you need more functional equipment, such as the spinning bike or elliptical machine to be discussed here. Spinning bikes and elliptical machines will be more obvious for the lower body exercise, and a single exercise process will be more monotonous, basically sitting exercise, but for the lower body, especially the leg exercise is still very obvious.

Home fitness equipment recommendation 3: treadmill

Treadmill is the most used category in the field of home fitness equipment, and its advantages are self-evident. Treadmill exercises can be large or small, and they are fully functional. Unfortunately, the treadmill is a bit big for people with relatively small decoration space.

Posted by: yingtao at 04:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 677 words, total size 5 kb.

July 17, 2020



"布達拉宮依山壘砌,主樓高119米,東西長420米,南北寬300米,房屋近萬。主體建築分紅、白兩宮,紅宮居中,白宮居兩側。紅宮有曆代喇麻的靈塔和各類佛堂及經堂;白宮部分是賴喇麻處理政務和生活居住的地方。截至來自山東麓,沿石階樓梯鋸齒形,以多門平措,暗彎的走廊,即東成廣闊的平台 - 德陽廈。過去,每逢喜慶節日,人們總要在此舉行跳神和歌舞表演。從東站台的自動扶梯直達樓上的松閣走廊大廳,走廊雕梁畫棟,滿是壁畫。


從靈塔穿過一小門便進入西大殿,它是紅宮內進行最大的一座文化殿堂-五世達賴喇嘛的享堂,一些具有重大的佛事活動時間均在此舉行。紅宮的最高層叫"薩松郎傑”,殿內供有乾隆帝畫像及皇帝牌位。清代,各世達賴每逢藏曆年初一和皇帝過 生日都要來此朝拜。在白宮的最高處,有曆代達賴喇嘛生活起居的東西兩套寢室,分別稱東、西日光殿,內設經堂、客廳、經室、臥室,陳設非常豪華。


Posted by: yingtao at 10:38 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 9 words, total size 5 kb.

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